You are not alone in thinking that would be great. But it’s not that simple.
As explained just above, Dynamic Grading does not really “split” the ranges to process them and put them back together. So it’s not like you could just mute one or two “channels” or listen to one of them individually.
Let’s think about how we would expect a solo function to sound like. Soloing the punch range would be the simplest case, as it basically comes down to a noise gate. We just mute everything below the punch threshold.
But what about soloing the floor range? We would have to keep everything that’s below the floor threshold, and mute everything above it. It’s possible, but weird and we doubt it’s really helpful in the real world.
Finally, soloing the body range would entail a combination of both. Cut everything below the floor threshold, and above the punch threshold. That’s really weird.
That said, we don’t categorically rule out adding such a feature in the future, as it is often requested. So adding it for the sake of completeness can be of value, as long as it doesn’t make the product as a whole worse. We’re pretty sure though that users will rarely use this feature productively. But maybe it’s a good feature that can be “creatively abuses”?